Join us for a free workshop!

Learn HTML, CSS, & JavaScript, by recreating a rockin' replica of the iconic Spotify homepage


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Online via Zoom

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Free workshop, register today!

About this workshop

Join us for an exciting and immersive workshop where we'll dive into the fundamentals of web development. In this hands-on experience, we'll explore the power of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build an impressive replica of the iconic Spotify homepage. Throughout this workshop, you'll acquire valuable skills and gain a solid understanding of using these three essential technologies together. Get ready to unleash your creativity and embark on a journey to create beautiful and functional web pages!

What to expect

During this free workshop, you can expect an engaging and interactive learning environment where you'll receive expert guidance as you build your own version of the Spotify homepage. Here's what you can look forward to:

  1. Introduction to HTML: Learn the basics of creating a webpage's structure using HTML, including headers, paragraphs, images, and links.
  2. Styling with CSS: Discover how to enhance the appearance of your webpage using CSS, including colors, fonts, layouts, and selectors.
  3. Interactive web elements with JavaScript: Add interactivity to your webpage using JavaScript, incorporating event listeners and dynamic effects.
  4. Bringing it all together: Synthesize your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to recreate the stunning Spotify homepage with visual elements and core functionalities.
GAN-based super resolution in action

Key Takeaways

By the end of this workshop, you'll have accomplished the following:

  • A solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and their roles in web development.
  • Proficiency in creating the basic structure of a webpage using HTML.
  • Skills in styling web pages using CSS to achieve visually appealing designs.
  • Knowledge of JavaScript fundamentals and the ability to add interactivity to web elements.
  • Experience in replicating the appearance and functionality of a popular website, like Spotify.
  • Enhanced problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills through hands-on exercises.
  • Increased confidence to build your own creative and functional web pages in the future.

Learn from industry experts

Gain valuable insights from industry and elevate your knowledge

Ruben Villalon

Full-stack Program manager



Marc Neuber

Business Developer & Chief Student Officer
